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packages |
[{u'license_title': u'Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)', u'maintainer': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'relationships_as_object': [], u'private': False, u'maintainer_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'num_tags': 2, u'id': u'a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a', u'metadata_created': u'2023-11-26T19:35:43.722548', u'metadata_modified': u'2025-03-06T08:36:58.433101', u'author': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'author_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'state': u'active', u'version': u'', u'creator_user_id': u'4b3406d6-12dc-4552-998a-b3d96ef12481', u'type': u'dataset', u'resources': [{u'mimetype': None, u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'old_Foto storiche georeferenziate', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'La risorsa contiene la lista delle **fotografie storiche georeferenziate** del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano, con dati relativi alle coordinate geografiche, al contesto edilizio, alle unit\xe0 catastali e funzionali, e ad altre informazioni descrittive. Ogni fotografia \xe8 associata a una posizione specifica e organizzata in formato **GeoJSON**, rendendola adatta per l\u2019analisi in strumenti GIS e piattaforme geospaziali.\r\n\r\n### English \r\nThe resource contains the list of **georeferenced historical photographs** from the Herculaneum Archaeological Park, including data on geographic coordinates, building context, cadastral and functional units, and other descriptive information. Each photograph is linked to a specific location and organized in **GeoJSON format**, making it suitable for analysis in GIS tools and geospatial platforms.', u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:18:42.073909', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://mude.cultura.gov.it/restGeo/geo/json/search?idNormativa=MU41', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a', u'created': u'2023-11-26T19:38:52.736751', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': None, u'position': 0, u'url_type': None, u'id': u'1a68b400-f71a-459a-b23f-c7a80131a946', u'resource_type': None, u'size': None}, {u'mimetype': u'application/json', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Foto storiche georeferenziate ', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'La risorsa contiene la lista delle **fotografie storiche georeferenziate** del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano, con dati relativi alle coordinate geografiche, al contesto edilizio, alle unit\xe0 catastali e funzionali, e ad altre informazioni descrittive. Ogni fotografia \xe8 associata a una posizione specifica e organizzata in formato **GeoJSON**, rendendola adatta per l\u2019analisi in strumenti GIS e piattaforme geospaziali.\r\n\r\n### English \r\nThe resource contains the list of **georeferenced historical photographs** from the Herculaneum Archaeological Park, including data on geographic coordinates, building context, cadastral and functional units, and other descriptive information. Each photograph is linked to a specific location and organized in **GeoJSON format**, making it suitable for analysis in GIS tools and geospatial platforms.', u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:18:42.074111', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a/resource/a2f566f4-eb70-423e-832e-17a1589828af/download/foto_storiche_geo.json', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a', u'created': u'2024-12-28T14:53:09.910935', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2024-12-28T14:53:09.874174', u'position': 1, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'a2f566f4-eb70-423e-832e-17a1589828af', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 1319161}, {u'mimetype': u'application/geo+json', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'foto storiche (geojson)', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'', u'metadata_modified': u'2025-03-06T08:36:58.438675', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a/resource/5f5d7446-d706-4783-a98d-51f3de61bb3e/download/foto_storiche.geojson', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'GeoJSON', u'package_id': u'a6e978e9-f1dc-4fc3-b99c-115bcc54d30a', u'created': u'2025-03-06T08:33:19.398258', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2025-03-06T08:36:31.840040', u'position': 2, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'5f5d7446-d706-4783-a98d-51f3de61bb3e', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 450917}], u'num_resources': 3, u'tags': [{u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'dati geospaziali', u'id': u'7dde586e-15bd-4bda-bb90-f5988407abf0', u'name': u'dati geospaziali'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'foto storiche', u'id': u'81c7149a-6f1c-4393-b457-47c078676576', u'name': u'foto storiche'}], u'groups': [{u'display_name': u'Archeologia', u'description': u'Questo gruppo raccoglie risorse fondamentali per la **documentazione** e la **ricerca archeologica** su Ercolano. \r\nI dataset forniscono informazioni su **reperti**, **strutture** e **contesti urbani**, supportando l\u2019**analisi stratigrafica** e la **ricostruzione delle fasi di occupazione** del sito. \r\nLe risorse derivano da **scavi** e **studi di campo**, integrando dati su **materiali**, **tecniche costruttive** e **relazioni spaziali** tra le evidenze archeologiche. \r\nAttraverso questi dataset, studiosi e professionisti possono approfondire l\u2019**evoluzione urbana** di Ercolano e i **processi di trasformazione** della citt\xe0. \r\nL\u2019integrazione con **modelli tridimensionali** e **dati geospaziali** offre un supporto avanzato per l\u2019**interpretazione archeologica** e la **gestione del patrimonio**. \r\n\r\n### **English** \r\nThis group gathers essential resources for the **documentation** and **archaeological research** on Herculaneum. \r\nThe datasets provide information on **artifacts**, **structures**, and **urban contexts**, supporting **stratigraphic analysis** and the **reconstruction of settlement phases**. \r\nThese resources derive from **excavations** and **field studies**, integrating data on **materials**, **construction techniques**, and **spatial relationships** between archaeological features. \r\nThrough these datasets, scholars and professionals can gain deeper insights into Herculaneum\u2019s **urban evolution** and **transformation processes**. \r\nIntegration with **three-dimensional models** and **geospatial data** enhances **archaeological interpretation** and **heritage management**. \r\n', u'image_display_url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/uploads/group/2025-02-12-134319.629984Scheletri-dal-sito-archeologico-di-Ercolano-crediti-ansaciro-fusco-scaled.jp', u'title': u'Archeologia', u'id': u'6f2b9960-e732-496d-a749-cd5e7e0aeb7e', u'name': u'archeologia'}, {u'display_name': u'Archivi', u'description': u'Il gruppo comprende **documentazione storica** di varia natura, inclusi **rapporti di scavo**, **disegni tecnici**, **verbali amministrativi** e altra documentazione rilevante per la **storia del sito archeologico** e delle sue pertinenze. La raccolta offre una panoramica delle attivit\xe0 di **ricerca** e **gestione** condotte nel tempo.\r\n\r\n### English\r\nThe group includes various **historical** and **archival documentation**, including **excavation reports**, **technical drawings**, **administrative records**, and other materials relevant to the **history of the archaeological site** and its related areas. The collection provides an overview of **research** and **management activities** carried out over time.', u'image_display_url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/uploads/group/2024-12-28-143223.352956170328426-e70ce316-ac94-4400-b4b8-af539b51b6cc.jpg', u'title': u'Archivi', u'id': u'3d6be803-9d18-47df-9418-c9d661d7521c', u'name': u'documentazione-storica'}, {u'display_name': u'Geodati', u'description': u'', u'image_display_url': u'', u'title': u'Geodati', u'id': u'ac3ddd20-4a13-4498-8560-e412d1ad47ed', u'name': u'dati-geospaziali'}], u'license_id': u'cc-nc', u'relationships_as_subject': [], u'organization': {u'description': u" \r\nIl **Parco Archeologico di Ercolano** \xe8 un Istituto del Ministero della Cultura istituito con il **DM n. 44 del 23 gennaio 2016**. Dotato di autonomia organizzativa, economica, finanziaria, contabile e scientifica, il Parco ha il compito di gestire la tutela e la valorizzazione dell\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano, che include la **Villa dei Papiri** e il **Teatro Sotterraneo**. Dal **2023**, sotto la diretta competenza del Parco rientra anche la **Villa Sora** di Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nL\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano \xe8 inclusa dal **1997** nella lista dei siti patrimonio mondiale **UNESCO**, come parte del **Sito 829**, *\u201cAree archeologiche di Pompei, Ercolano e Torre Annunziata\u201d*. Questo sito comprende le antiche citt\xe0 di **Pompei** \u2013 con la **Villa dei Misteri** \u2013 ed **Ercolano** \u2013 con il **Teatro Sotterraneo** e la **Villa dei Papiri** \u2013 oltre alla **Villa A** (Villa di Poppea) e alla **Villa B** (Villa di Lucio Crassio Tertio) a Torre Annunziata. \r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\nThe **Archaeological Park of Herculaneum** is an institution under the **Italian Ministry of Culture**, established by **Ministerial Decree no. 44 on January 23, 2016**. It is endowed with organizational, economic, financial, accounting, and scientific autonomy and is tasked with the protection and enhancement of the archaeological area of Herculaneum, including the **Villa of the Papyri** and the **Underground Theater**. Since **2023**, the Park has also overseen **Villa Sora** in Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nThe archaeological area of Herculaneum has been included in **UNESCO's World Heritage List** since **1997** as part of **Site 829**, *\u201cArchaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Torre Annunziata\u201d*. This site encompasses the ancient cities of **Pompeii** \u2013 with the **Villa of the Mysteries** \u2013 and **Herculaneum** \u2013 with the **Underground Theater** and the **Villa of the Papyri** \u2013 as well as **Villa A** (Villa of Poppea) and **Villa B** (Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius) in Torre Annunziata. \r\n", u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:06:29.965867', u'title': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'name': u'parco-archeologico-di-ercolano', u'is_organization': True, u'state': u'active', u'image_url': u'2023-11-07-050629.9537952023-07-21-102535.421985Ercolanobackground.png', u'type': u'organization', u'id': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'approval_status': u'approved'}, u'name': u'foto-storiche-georeferenziate', u'isopen': False, u'url': u'', u'notes': u'Il dataset comprende una collezione di **fotografie storiche** scattate durante gli scavi condotti da **Amedeo Maiuri**, successivamente georeferenziate grazie a un attento lavoro di controllo sul campo. Ogni fotografia \xe8 corredata da una serie di informazioni, tra cui le **coordinate geografiche** per il corretto posizionamento, oltre a dettagli sul contesto e sul soggetto rappresentato.\r\n\r\n### English\r\nThe dataset includes a collection of **historical photographs** taken during the excavations led by **Amedeo Maiuri**, later georeferenced through meticulous field verification. Each photograph is accompanied by a set of information, including **geographical coordinates** for accurate positioning, as well as details about the context and subject depicted.', u'owner_org': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'extras': [{u'key': u'Licenza di utilizzo', u'value': u'BCS - Beni Culturali Standard'}], u'license_url': u'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/', u'title': u'Fotografie storiche geolocalizzate'}, {u'license_title': u'Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)', u'maintainer': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'relationships_as_object': [], u'private': False, u'maintainer_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'num_tags': 1, u'id': u'3a503459-8165-48a3-9733-2f3a86734dab', u'metadata_created': u'2023-11-07T05:13:33.084168', u'metadata_modified': u'2025-01-20T12:40:17.937964', u'author': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'author_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'state': u'active', u'version': u'', u'creator_user_id': u'4b3406d6-12dc-4552-998a-b3d96ef12481', u'type': u'dataset', u'resources': [{u'mimetype': None, u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Lista dei Diari di scavo', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'AGGIUNGERE TESTO DI APPROFONDIMENTO', u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T16:45:18.112575', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://mude.cultura.gov.it/searchInv/iv/json/listaGiornaliDiScavo', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'3a503459-8165-48a3-9733-2f3a86734dab', u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:13:57.389461', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': None, u'position': 0, u'url_type': None, u'id': u'98a06440-912b-467b-99b9-31a208256b08', u'resource_type': None, u'size': None}], u'num_resources': 1, u'tags': [{u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'archeologia', u'id': u'5af66130-4a3d-461f-aad7-120c29d2a003', u'name': u'archeologia'}], u'groups': [{u'display_name': u'Scavi archeologici', u'description': u'Il gruppo comprende dataset organizzati **cronologicamente** o per **area**, documentando le campagne di scavo condotte dal **XIX secolo a oggi**.\r\n\r\n### English \r\nThe group includes datasets organized **chronologically** or by **area**, documenting excavation campaigns conducted from the **19th century to the present**.', u'image_display_url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/uploads/group/2024-12-29-172307.167548ercolano-sistema-fognario-2.jpg', u'title': u'Scavi archeologici', u'id': u'1fd7bc91-3ab5-4bd1-b8a5-4fd395359e40', u'name': u'scavi-archeologici'}], u'license_id': u'cc-nc', u'relationships_as_subject': [], u'organization': {u'description': u" \r\nIl **Parco Archeologico di Ercolano** \xe8 un Istituto del Ministero della Cultura istituito con il **DM n. 44 del 23 gennaio 2016**. Dotato di autonomia organizzativa, economica, finanziaria, contabile e scientifica, il Parco ha il compito di gestire la tutela e la valorizzazione dell\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano, che include la **Villa dei Papiri** e il **Teatro Sotterraneo**. Dal **2023**, sotto la diretta competenza del Parco rientra anche la **Villa Sora** di Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nL\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano \xe8 inclusa dal **1997** nella lista dei siti patrimonio mondiale **UNESCO**, come parte del **Sito 829**, *\u201cAree archeologiche di Pompei, Ercolano e Torre Annunziata\u201d*. Questo sito comprende le antiche citt\xe0 di **Pompei** \u2013 con la **Villa dei Misteri** \u2013 ed **Ercolano** \u2013 con il **Teatro Sotterraneo** e la **Villa dei Papiri** \u2013 oltre alla **Villa A** (Villa di Poppea) e alla **Villa B** (Villa di Lucio Crassio Tertio) a Torre Annunziata. \r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\nThe **Archaeological Park of Herculaneum** is an institution under the **Italian Ministry of Culture**, established by **Ministerial Decree no. 44 on January 23, 2016**. It is endowed with organizational, economic, financial, accounting, and scientific autonomy and is tasked with the protection and enhancement of the archaeological area of Herculaneum, including the **Villa of the Papyri** and the **Underground Theater**. Since **2023**, the Park has also overseen **Villa Sora** in Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nThe archaeological area of Herculaneum has been included in **UNESCO's World Heritage List** since **1997** as part of **Site 829**, *\u201cArchaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Torre Annunziata\u201d*. This site encompasses the ancient cities of **Pompeii** \u2013 with the **Villa of the Mysteries** \u2013 and **Herculaneum** \u2013 with the **Underground Theater** and the **Villa of the Papyri** \u2013 as well as **Villa A** (Villa of Poppea) and **Villa B** (Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius) in Torre Annunziata. \r\n", u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:06:29.965867', u'title': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'name': u'parco-archeologico-di-ercolano', u'is_organization': True, u'state': u'active', u'image_url': u'2023-11-07-050629.9537952023-07-21-102535.421985Ercolanobackground.png', u'type': u'organization', u'id': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'approval_status': u'approved'}, u'name': u'giornali-di-scavo', u'isopen': False, u'url': u'', u'notes': u'Giornali di scavo', u'owner_org': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'extras': [{u'key': u'Licenza di utilizzo', u'value': u'BCS - Beni Culturali Standard'}], u'license_url': u'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/', u'title': u'Giornali di scavo'}, {u'license_title': u'Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)', u'maintainer': u'Herculaneum Conservation Project', u'relationships_as_object': [], u'private': False, u'maintainer_email': u'', u'num_tags': 5, u'id': u'ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6', u'metadata_created': u'2024-12-29T14:40:04.169805', u'metadata_modified': u'2025-01-20T12:18:04.581453', u'author': u'Herculaneum Conservation Project', u'author_email': u'', u'state': u'active', u'version': u'', u'creator_user_id': u'4b3406d6-12dc-4552-998a-b3d96ef12481', u'type': u'dataset', u'resources': [{u'mimetype': u'application/pdf', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Catasto urbano di Ercolano - Ed. 2021 - parte 1', u'hash': u'', u'description': u"Questo documento rappresenta una **guida all\u2019utilizzo** del **Catasto Urbano del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano**. Fornisce una descrizione dettagliata della struttura del catasto, dei livelli di suddivisione funzionale (Blocco Edilizio, Unit\xe0 Catastale, Unit\xe0 Funzionale, Ambiente) e offre istruzioni per l\u2019interpretazione e l\u2019analisi dei dati geospaziali. \r\n\r\n### English \r\nThis document serves as a **user guide** for the **Urban Cadastre of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park**. It provides a detailed description of the cadastre's structure, its functional subdivision levels (Building Block, Cadastral Unit, Functional Unit, Room), and offers guidance on interpreting and analyzing geospatial data.", u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:05:02.028023', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6/resource/9e81bc72-e2d0-4357-a1c5-79483e771053/download/catasto_urbano_ercolano_2021-1-1-243.pdf', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'PDF', u'package_id': u'ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6', u'created': u'2024-12-29T15:04:16.282067', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:04:16.254402', u'position': 0, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'9e81bc72-e2d0-4357-a1c5-79483e771053', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 10250701}, {u'mimetype': u'application/pdf', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Catasto urbano di Ercolano - Ed. 2021 - parte 2', u'hash': u'', u'description': u" Questo documento rappresenta una **guida all\u2019utilizzo** del **Catasto Urbano del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano**. Fornisce una descrizione dettagliata della struttura del catasto, dei livelli di suddivisione funzionale (Blocco Edilizio, Unit\xe0 Catastale, Unit\xe0 Funzionale, Ambiente) e offre istruzioni per l\u2019interpretazione e l\u2019analisi dei dati geospaziali. \r\n\r\n### English \r\nThis document serves as a **user guide** for the **Urban Cadastre of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park**. It provides a detailed description of the cadastre's structure, its functional subdivision levels (Building Block, Cadastral Unit, Functional Unit, Room), and offers guidance on interpreting and analyzing geospatial data.", u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:05:02.193641', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6/resource/47671158-2a12-4532-a2af-aad82f60896b/download/catasto_urbano_ercolano_2021-1-244-440.pdf', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'PDF', u'package_id': u'ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6', u'created': u'2024-12-29T15:05:02.042497', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:05:02.013004', u'position': 1, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'47671158-2a12-4532-a2af-aad82f60896b', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 4874542}, {u'mimetype': u'application/zip', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Catasto urbano di Ercolano - Ed. 2021 - geodatabase ESRI', u'hash': u'', u'description': u"La risorsa \xe8 un **geodatabase ESRI** contenente i dati geospaziali relativi al **Catasto Urbano del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano**. Include la mappatura vettoriale dettagliata delle suddivisioni funzionali del sito (Blocchi Edilizi, Unit\xe0 Catastali, Unit\xe0 Funzionali e Ambienti), organizzata in formato geospaziale per l'analisi e l'elaborazione tramite software GIS compatibili con ESRI. \r\n\r\n### English \r\nThe resource is an **ESRI geodatabase** containing geospatial data related to the **Urban Cadastre of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park**. It includes detailed vector mapping of the site\u2019s functional subdivisions (Building Blocks, Cadastral Units, Functional Units, and Rooms), organized in a geospatial format for analysis and processing through GIS software compatible with ESRI.", u'metadata_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:24:55.830317', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6/resource/f6645acd-9726-430b-99a3-b953670ac37f/download/geodbcatasto.gdb.zip', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'gdb', u'package_id': u'ecc69303-c3a3-4564-825e-ba4d5c0ed6b6', u'created': u'2024-12-29T15:24:55.844650', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2024-12-29T15:24:55.809615', u'position': 2, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'f6645acd-9726-430b-99a3-b953670ac37f', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 2514880}], u'num_resources': 3, u'tags': [{u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'cartografia', u'id': u'16dd68c6-b98b-43fd-9980-72b152446614', u'name': u'cartografia'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'catasto', u'id': u'510d0992-7b75-4912-945d-a7f160e0053a', u'name': u'catasto'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'dati geospaziali', u'id': u'7dde586e-15bd-4bda-bb90-f5988407abf0', u'name': u'dati geospaziali'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'nomenclature', u'id': u'183b9349-39ad-4ba6-ad24-a334962e4b13', u'name': u'nomenclature'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'planimetria sito', u'id': u'd2ecc3e3-b63a-4c51-ad86-24bb51822f86', u'name': u'planimetria sito'}], u'groups': [{u'display_name': u'Dati geospaziali', u'description': u'', u'image_display_url': u'', u'title': u'Dati geospaziali', u'id': u'ac3ddd20-4a13-4498-8560-e412d1ad47ed', u'name': u'dati-geospaziali'}], u'license_id': u'cc-nc', u'relationships_as_subject': [], u'organization': {u'description': u"L'**Herculaneum Conservation Project** si dedica al sito archeologico di Ercolano fin dal **2001** con l'obiettivo di proteggere, valorizzare e gestire questo straordinario patrimonio culturale, promuovendo al contempo la sua relazione con il territorio circostante. Il team \xe8 composto da funzionari pubblici dell\u2019**Ente di tutela** e da specialisti dei **Beni Culturali**, che collaborano durante l\u2019intero arco dell\u2019anno. La partnership pubblico-privata coinvolge il **Packard Humanities Institute**, fondazione filantropica operante in Italia attraverso l\u2019**Istituto Packard per i Beni Culturali**, e l\u2019Ente di tutela, oggi evoluto nell\u2019autonomo **Parco Archeologico di Ercolano**. \r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe **Herculaneum Conservation Project** has been committed to the archaeological site of Herculaneum since **2001**, with the goal of protecting, enhancing, and managing this exceptional cultural heritage while fostering its integration with the surrounding area. The team consists of public officials from the **Heritage Authority** and **Cultural Heritage specialists**, who work together throughout the year. The public-private partnership includes the **Packard Humanities Institute**, a philanthropic foundation operating in Italy through the **Packard Institute for Cultural Heritage**, and the Heritage Authority, which has since evolved into the autonomous **Archaeological Park of Herculaneum**. \r\n", u'created': u'2024-11-29T10:33:45.366739', u'title': u'Istituto Packard per i Beni Culturali/Packard Humanitites Institute', u'name': u'istituto-packard-beni-culturali', u'is_organization': True, u'state': u'active', u'image_url': u'2024-12-27-101950.96529803paerco-hcp.jpg', u'type': u'organization', u'id': u'33c34643-c38e-43a2-8e89-363bba30bdca', u'approval_status': u'approved'}, u'name': u'catasto-urbano-di-ercolano', u'isopen': False, u'url': u'', u'notes': u'Il dataset del **Catasto Urbano del Parco Archeologico di Ercolano** contiene tutti i **dati geospaziali** relativi alla mappatura e alla suddivisione funzionale del sito archeologico. Include informazioni dettagliate organizzate in quattro livelli principali (Blocco Edilizio, Unit\xe0 Catastale, Unit\xe0 Funzionale, Ambiente), che permettono una lettura progressiva e dettagliata del patrimonio urbano e archeologico. \r\n\r\nOltre ai dati geospaziali, il dataset fornisce una **guida all\u2019utilizzo**, che illustra la struttura del catasto e le modalit\xe0 di interpretazione e analisi delle informazioni. Questa risorsa rappresenta uno strumento essenziale per la gestione, la conservazione e lo studio del sito archeologico di Ercolano. \r\n\r\n### English \r\nThe dataset of the **Urban Cadastre of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park** contains all the **geospatial data** related to the mapping and functional subdivision of the archaeological site. It includes detailed information organized into four main levels (Building Block, Cadastral Unit, Functional Unit, Room), enabling a progressive and detailed understanding of the urban and archaeological heritage. \r\n\r\nIn addition to geospatial data, the dataset provides a **user guide** that explains the structure of the cadastre and how to interpret and analyze the information. This resource is an essential tool for the management, conservation, and study of the Herculaneum archaeological site.', u'owner_org': u'33c34643-c38e-43a2-8e89-363bba30bdca', u'extras': [{u'key': u'Licenza di utilizzo', u'value': u'BCS - Beni Culturali Standard'}], u'license_url': u'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/', u'title': u'Catasto urbano di Ercolano'}, {u'license_title': u'Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)', u'maintainer': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'relationships_as_object': [], u'private': False, u'maintainer_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'num_tags': 3, u'id': u'55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033', u'metadata_created': u'2023-11-07T05:14:39.395725', u'metadata_modified': u'2025-01-20T12:17:34.013209', u'author': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'author_email': u'pa-erco@cultura.gov.it', u'state': u'active', u'version': u'', u'creator_user_id': u'4b3406d6-12dc-4552-998a-b3d96ef12481', u'type': u'dataset', u'resources': [{u'mimetype': None, u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Modelli 3D LR - Page 1', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'', u'metadata_modified': u'2023-11-07T05:15:23.908207', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://mude.cultura.gov.it/searchInv/iv/json/searchLastUpdate?idNormativa=SIPA1&typeAttach=3D&maxItemPage=1000&page=1', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'', u'package_id': u'55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033', u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:15:01.310047', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': None, u'position': 0, u'url_type': None, u'id': u'd89f337d-2c20-4243-85c8-65b19adeaaf4', u'resource_type': None, u'size': None}, {u'mimetype': None, u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Modelli 3D LR - Page 2', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'', u'metadata_modified': u'2023-11-07T05:15:48.414388', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://mude.cultura.gov.it/searchInv/iv/json/searchLastUpdate?idNormativa=SIPA1&typeAttach=3D&maxItemPage=1000&page=2', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033', u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:15:23.914645', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': None, u'position': 1, u'url_type': None, u'id': u'0a46f470-dffc-42a7-81bc-e2add29450a2', u'resource_type': None, u'size': None}, {u'mimetype': None, u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Modelli 3D LR - Page 3', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'', u'metadata_modified': u'2023-11-07T05:17:53.086445', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://mude.cultura.gov.it/searchInv/iv/json/searchLastUpdate?idNormativa=SIPA1&typeAttach=3D&maxItemPage=1000&page=3', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033', u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:15:48.419617', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': None, u'position': 2, u'url_type': None, u'id': u'3caef8d5-0ddb-4973-8494-35ebd1cc7b2d', u'resource_type': None, u'size': None}, {u'mimetype': u'application/json', u'cache_url': None, u'name': u'Modelli 3D LR - Lista Completa', u'hash': u'', u'description': u'Modelli 3D LR - Lista Completa', u'metadata_modified': u'2023-11-07T05:18:20.202185', u'cache_last_updated': None, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033/resource/b7d01867-b827-48be-b490-ffc3557400fa/download/searchlastupdate.json', u'datastore_active': False, u'format': u'JSON', u'package_id': u'55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033', u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:17:53.092725', u'state': u'active', u'mimetype_inner': None, u'last_modified': u'2023-11-07T05:17:53.069541', u'position': 3, u'url_type': u'upload', u'id': u'b7d01867-b827-48be-b490-ffc3557400fa', u'resource_type': None, u'size': 1744499}], u'num_resources': 4, u'tags': [{u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'archeologia', u'id': u'5af66130-4a3d-461f-aad7-120c29d2a003', u'name': u'archeologia'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'collezione archeologica', u'id': u'884ddec3-7970-41bf-b90a-f60e4892f0f2', u'name': u'collezione archeologica'}, {u'vocabulary_id': None, u'state': u'active', u'display_name': u'reperti', u'id': u'c13fa1a2-a74e-43d0-b788-cd73ac19b822', u'name': u'reperti'}], u'groups': [{u'display_name': u'Modelli 3D', u'description': u'', u'image_display_url': u'', u'title': u'Modelli 3D', u'id': u'115a31df-57e7-4f30-b43b-60c722ae83cd', u'name': u'modelli-3d_'}], u'license_id': u'cc-nc', u'relationships_as_subject': [], u'organization': {u'description': u" \r\nIl **Parco Archeologico di Ercolano** \xe8 un Istituto del Ministero della Cultura istituito con il **DM n. 44 del 23 gennaio 2016**. Dotato di autonomia organizzativa, economica, finanziaria, contabile e scientifica, il Parco ha il compito di gestire la tutela e la valorizzazione dell\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano, che include la **Villa dei Papiri** e il **Teatro Sotterraneo**. Dal **2023**, sotto la diretta competenza del Parco rientra anche la **Villa Sora** di Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nL\u2019area archeologica di Ercolano \xe8 inclusa dal **1997** nella lista dei siti patrimonio mondiale **UNESCO**, come parte del **Sito 829**, *\u201cAree archeologiche di Pompei, Ercolano e Torre Annunziata\u201d*. Questo sito comprende le antiche citt\xe0 di **Pompei** \u2013 con la **Villa dei Misteri** \u2013 ed **Ercolano** \u2013 con il **Teatro Sotterraneo** e la **Villa dei Papiri** \u2013 oltre alla **Villa A** (Villa di Poppea) e alla **Villa B** (Villa di Lucio Crassio Tertio) a Torre Annunziata. \r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\r\nThe **Archaeological Park of Herculaneum** is an institution under the **Italian Ministry of Culture**, established by **Ministerial Decree no. 44 on January 23, 2016**. It is endowed with organizational, economic, financial, accounting, and scientific autonomy and is tasked with the protection and enhancement of the archaeological area of Herculaneum, including the **Villa of the Papyri** and the **Underground Theater**. Since **2023**, the Park has also overseen **Villa Sora** in Torre del Greco. \r\n\r\nThe archaeological area of Herculaneum has been included in **UNESCO's World Heritage List** since **1997** as part of **Site 829**, *\u201cArchaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Torre Annunziata\u201d*. This site encompasses the ancient cities of **Pompeii** \u2013 with the **Villa of the Mysteries** \u2013 and **Herculaneum** \u2013 with the **Underground Theater** and the **Villa of the Papyri** \u2013 as well as **Villa A** (Villa of Poppea) and **Villa B** (Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius) in Torre Annunziata. \r\n", u'created': u'2023-11-07T05:06:29.965867', u'title': u'Parco Archeologico di Ercolano', u'name': u'parco-archeologico-di-ercolano', u'is_organization': True, u'state': u'active', u'image_url': u'2023-11-07-050629.9537952023-07-21-102535.421985Ercolanobackground.png', u'type': u'organization', u'id': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'approval_status': u'approved'}, u'name': u'modelli-3d-lr', u'isopen': False, u'url': u'https://opendata-ercolano.cultura.gov.it/dataset/55608c19-2406-419f-84db-fa3d0b9cd033/resource/b7d01867-b827-48be-b490-ffc3557400fa/download/searchlastupdate.json', u'notes': u'**Italiano** \r\nQuesto dataset offre una collezione di **migliaia di modelli 3D** di **reperti archeologici** provenienti da Ercolano. \r\nI modelli rientrano in diverse categorie, tra cui **ceramiche**, **legni**, **lucerne e candelabri**, **marmi**, **metalli**, **monete**, **oreficerie** (inclusi gemme e pietre dure), **materiali organici**, **sculture** e **vetri e pasta vitrea**. \r\nQueste rappresentazioni 3D permettono di esplorare in dettaglio la variet\xe0 del **patrimonio archeologico di Ercolano**, offrendo nuove possibilit\xe0 di **interpretazione** e **ricerca**, pur essendo ottimizzate per garantire una maggiore **accessibilit\xe0 sul web**. \r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n**English** \r\nThis dataset offers a collection of thousands of low-resolution 3D models** of **archaeological artifacts** from Herculaneum. \r\nThe models fall into various categories, including **ceramics**, **wood**, **lamps and candelabras**, **marble**, **metals**, **coins**, **jewelry** (including gems and hardstones), **organic materials**, **sculptures**, and **glass and vitreous paste**. \r\nThese 3D representations allow for detailed exploration of the rich **archaeological heritage of Herculaneum**, offering new **interpretative opportunities** while being optimized for greater **accessibility**. ', u'owner_org': u'0ee1e8f0-836a-4e4e-976c-d7c705a157c4', u'extras': [{u'key': u'Resolution', u'value': u'Low Resolution'}], u'license_url': u'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/', u'title': u'Modelli 3d della collezione archeologica'}] |